Welcome to the online resource for everything Baby Bottle. This page should provide you with all you need to conduct a baby bottle campaign in your local church, church group, or Sunday School Class.

Over the last few years, many people have been feeling fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. Imagine how those feelings multiply when facing an unplanned pregnancy! Women and men in Southeast Georgia are experiencing unexpected pregnancies every day, and Skylark is here to offer caring, non-judgmental support to help them sort out their feelings and make a life-affirming decision regarding their pregnancy.

We know that a lot of people are struggling right now, whether financially or emotionally. However, the mission of Skylark is still critical, especially in this difficult time. The Skylark Baby Bottle Campaign is an easy way to raise support for the mission of Skylark.

Traditionally, the bottle campaign consists of filling a physical baby bottle with loose change, cash, or a check, but we know that not everyone carries cash! Pick up a virtual bottle with information about online giving methods.

In an effort to expedite efforts to participate in the campaign, all resources except the bottles are available here by just clicking on the link below next to each reproducible resource. If you have questions after reviewing the material, please do not hesitate to contact Mary Elisabeth, Director of Growth + Events (maryelisabeth@helloskylark.com). It will be our pleasure to help! Thanks for your interest and participation.

Baby Bottle Campaign Resources

PowerPoint Slides: These can be used during Church announcements on the big screen! Click here to download.

Virtual Bottles: Click here to download the Virtual Bottle file. JPG Flyer for Display: Click here to download the Flyer file. PDF

Bulletin Inserts – Mother’s Day: This file includes a bulletin for the first week of the campaign. This master is intended to be printed two to a page. Click here to obtain a PDF file copy. Bulletin Inserts – Day before Father’s Day: This file includes a bulletin for the final week of the campaign, which is the week BEFORE Father’s Day. This master is intended to be printed two to a page. Click here to obtain a PDF file copy.

Need more information? Contact Mary Elisabeth Buckner at maryelisabeth@helloskylark.com or call 912-264-0231 ext 104.